/> Pearls Before Swine: The Ultimate Valentine's Day Gift Guide Bonanza!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Ultimate Valentine's Day Gift Guide Bonanza!

Valentine's Day is almost here! Instead of scrambling around like you always do last minute, I thought I'd give you a hand and offer some suggestions you may want to use. Not everyone is into getting flowers on Valentine's Day! Plus, the men in your life need a good gift as well and I know flowers won't cut it for him. 

I've tried thinking of everyone that you may give a gift to on Valentine's Day. Your partner, friend, boss, family member, and even stuff for the kiddies! 

I personally don't care for getting big expensive gifts or going all out. It is just another day, no big deal.  Although I know some of you are screaming at me right now saying:

"What do you mean, no big deal?"
 "If I don't have a gift they'll disown me!" 

LOL, I'm sure they won't completely disown you! Maybe temporarily..but it won't last. Yes, for some people AKA women it can be a "prove your love for me day" but I just view it as another way for people to push products on you. Okay, having got that off my chest, let's get this gift guide going! 

Below is a list of my go-to gift vendors, they have never let me down and I've always been really happy with their products. 

The Flower Lover

Valentine's Day Flowers are wonderful to receive. Nothing is better than your favorite fresh florals. Their amazing colors and capturing smell!  Aah, what is better than that? If, your partner prefers flowers there are an endless number of shops to choose from. 

When buying locally be sure to head out at least the day before. You want to make sure that you have plenty of options. I hate buying flowers when all that is left looks like the neighborhood dog ran them over while chasing your cat. 

If buying online check their reviews and feedback. I know that may sound petty but I have heard so many horror stories. Just last year my Dad bought flowers for his Mother's birthday. Which were promised to be delivered on time and were not. After a few long phone calls, the issue was finally resolved. 

So I would strongly recommend using a company you have had good success with in the past or check those reviews people!! 

The Makeup Lover 

**WARNING** Proceed with CAUTION!! 

Buying makeup may sound like a grand ole idea. However, keep this in mind. There are two types of girls in the world. The ones who can't live without makeup and the ones who wear it because they have to. Don't get me wrong, I love me some makeup. However, do I wear it every day? NO! I don't. Maybe I'm too lazy? But really I just don't care. I'm fine with my face and if you are not, my apologies! LOL! For real, though... that is not the case for ALL women. I know a few of them on social media and they eat, sleep and breath it. 

Don't make the mistake of buying those women a generic brand or some knock off. They want the real Kylie Lip Kit or that new Naked Palette. Other brands just won't cut it. 

For the rest of us, shiny and pretty will suffice. Normally, I'd buy my makeup from Younique but that can really add up! So I have a few trusty shops that I cherish. The prices are amazing, and I love the products. I'm sure you can find something they'll love! 

The Jewelry Lover

Valentine's Day is a day of love and what says I love you more than Diamonds? I can think of a few things...like maybe a new Ferrari?!
 Now, that says I love you!! LOL! No, I'm joking. Who could afford that?  But if you insist, please leave a detailed comment below! HAHAHA! 

Jewelry can be a very romantic and personal affair. It takes months to find the perfect engagement ring, or that perfect something for the perfect someone! Most women I know adore getting jewelry. Often times it makes them feel validated and loved. A thoughtful way to say "I appreciate you, and all that you do." 

The Fitness Lover

Being a fitness lover myself and knowing the hard work and dedication it takes to keep pushing yourself day in and day out, can be hard at times. When I was working out really hard it was crusal that I had the support of my family. On the days that you feel like giving up, they can help keep you motivated and working towards your goals. 

Not all fitness enthusiasts are going to say how much they'd love a new ab cruncher for Valentine's Day. This gift choice is not for everyone, especially a loved one. However, maybe you have a close friend or family member that could use some motivating? 

For me, I think I'd rather have some new fitness gear than a fancy ring or soon to be dead flowers. I enjoy getting healthy and staying fit. So it wouldn't make me upset, to say the least. But don't make the mistake in thinking all women are like that. I would hate to cause a major catastrophe! 

**Word to the wise, all these are just suggestions. Not all will be great for Valentine's Day or good choices for someone you love. They are however, excellent company's that I have tried and still use frequently.**

The Food Lover

"To their heart you want? To the stomach, you must start."
Yoda on Food. 

Everyone has heard the saying, maybe not done by Yoda? But you get the idea! Food is always a great way to say I love you. My mom will religiously make dinner for my family and me. At least two or three times a month she has been doing this. What she doesn't know is what a blessing it has been to me! How thoughtful for her to take time out of her busy schedule and think of me. I absolutely adore her, she has a heart of gold. 

So for me, love is shown with food! LOL! It's not like we don't eat it daily to survive, right? We need food. Maybe, not all the cupcakes and dough nuts but the food is an essential part of our daily routine. 

One way to show someone how much you care for them is to prepare a meal, a nice picnic at the park or spot they love. Set the scene, make it romantic and personal. If it's chocolates? Get them chocolates! If it's a three-course meal with expensive crab and lobster? Get it done, whatever it may be! 

I really enjoy the candy baskets with all my favorite goodies like Now and Laters, Sour Patch Kids, and of course licorice. 

Another great idea if they are the DIY types is a chocolate and candy making kits. They are easy to use, fun and the candy/chocolate is really tasty! 

Gifts For Men

Buying gifts for men, for me, is one of the hardest things in the world to accomplish. Everyone wants to get their partner something really cool. Something they'll love and something that says I know you and what you like. 

For guys nowadays, that could be guns, fishing, camping, racing, sports, grilling, golf, biking, hiking, fitness..really the list could go on and on. What does he do for a living? What are his hobbies? His favorite sports team? And if I get him a set of golf balls does that seem insensitive? I mean you golf like every weekend?? 

However, your dude rolls are for you to know and you to find out. Ask his friends for advice if you get stuck. 

I hate just getting a shirt or sweaters. Like here ya go, hope it fits and you like the colors?!! Or here are some new fishing lures...ya that would go over real great for some people?!! 

As you can see the possibilities are endless. 

Monthly Rifle Giveaway enter here

Gifts For Mom 

Being a new mom is the best job in the world. There is nothing like bring a new life into this world. It's magical! 

As a mom, myself of two beautiful young ladies, Megan who is almost 15 and Kaitlyn will turn 10 in June. They are my entire world. Growing up I never saw myself having kids. In fact, it was a joke around the house. I'd constantly pretend I had a child named Johnny and would jokingly make up different scenarios. In which I'd handle it the completely wrong way. Everyone would laugh and oh, haha it was so funny. Until it really happened. My 21st birthday I found out I was pregnant. 

Once I found out, it changed my life. I could no longer be this f**ked up kid. I had to grow up. On that day I made a commitment to that baby. No matter the cost, alone or together...I'm having that baby. I made a packed with God. Trusting He would see me through the hard times. Fifteen years later, I can say He most certainly did. And I did too! 

Almost at driving age now, my gosh she'll be driving next year!! Scary, buckle up folks!! LOL! She has her heart set on the US Marines. Proud is not the word. I am so blessed. God gave me the two most perfect, wonderful children. 

However, I remember the hard times too. Up every two hours, with a c-section, you are joking right?? But somehow we make it through. Big dark circles and all. With not much time to unwind or pamper yourself, you start feeling drained quickly. 

Give her some "me" time. Take over for the night or even just a shift. Let her take a hot candlelit bath. If you really want to spoil her, then I suggest sleep. I was so tried. My mom could always tell when I needed help or a break. She'd see my glazed over eyes and take over for a couple shifts. My family was so very supportive and loving. 

Grab the baby a new pacifier from Nuk. Which is the only brand my daughter would use. Figures, at that time only Target had them and they were always sold out. So when my mom's pug, Jewels was constantly eating them, we purchased them a lot. And give her some special time for herself. 

Maybe she sews? And some down time would be making a new blanket? Whatever the method, all new moms need time to regroup, relax, and replenish. 

Gifts For The Home

My home is my sanctuary. The place I can truly relax. I love, love, love to decorate it. Right now we are in the process of getting the floors done, and started repainting the walls from a green, garden wall color to a nice gray. Find decor that goes with my new color scheme is a challenge, so I love it when I find a cool store, with items I can actually afford. 

If they just moved into a new home or remodeled? Gifts for the home are great gifts. Fun pillows or a nice comfy throw blanket are not normally things we splurge on for ourselves. However, they are always very warmly received. 

Gifts For You Both

Finding time for your spouse is so important. Why not do something out of the box? Something they wouldn't normally expect from you. Surprise them with some loving married time. Just the two of you. 

Gifts For Pets

Pets make the world go round. I just can't imagine my life without them. They deserve some love on Valentine's Day too!  

They do hog our beds, eat our bites, and fill the house with love. How could we forget them? 

Whatever you choose, I know you'll find something they will love. Good Luck! 

Thanks for reading! Take Care! 

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