/> Pearls Before Swine: June 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016

**Product Review** BODYARMOR Sports Drinks!

Hello again from Sunny, Arizona!! 

Today I have a product review for you that I just received in the mail yesterday. I'm super excited to talk to you about this today for a few different reasons. Which we will get into in a just a few minutes. First things first, I do have to disclose that this is a sponsored post and I did get the items from free but don't let that scare you off just yet! 

If you follow me at all, and I hope you do!! This can be easily fixed, by the way, wink!! You'll know that I shot from the hip. I have done quite a few of these products reviews now and I truly believe people don't want smoke blown up their skirt. They want an honest review with real pros and cons. Something they can take away from the review. Maybe even the push you needed to try it in the first place. 

So my goal from this is to try the products and give you my honest opinion. If I love if, you'll know and if I don't I will tastefully say so. I don't think a review should be written if the intent is to just push more product out the door. That isn't being a good sales person and thinking about what is best for your consumers. 

Alrighty, we got that out of the way. Now for the fun part. Let's talk about what I am here to discuss with you today. Now if you know me well, you'll also know that I HATE. I mean HATE water. I almost refuse to drink it. Like almost never! It just is not my cup of tea. I'm the girl that needs a little flavor. Maybe even a hint of color. Is that too much to ask for??!! Just trick my brain for me, help me out at least!! 

The typical water you can buy is just not for me and so I'm always left with the choice of a sports drink of some sorts. 

Which leads me to talk about BodyArmor Sports Dinks. If you are like me and have never heard about them before let me give you a little background on the product. Unlike most drinks for athletes, I was really happy to learn that children ages 7+ can drink it. My kids never get enough water in their systems either and with this Arizona sun beating down on them all day outside in the pool or playing with the neighbor kids. I am always so concerned about their hydration. If you live anywhere warm you know how important it is to stay hydrated. No one wants to get heatstroke or suffer from dehydration. 

With only 18g of sugar I was surprised and expected it to be maybe bitter or not sweet enough but I was wrong. It was more fruity than I though as well. All in all, I was really surprised I liked it. The biggest shocker was that my kids liked it too!! 

BodyArmor Sports Drink comes in Grape (one of my all-time favorites), Fruit Punch, Lemon Lime, Strawberry Banana, Mixed Berry, Tropical Punch, and Orange Mango. They are sweetened with Natural flavors and sweeteners. Full of Electrolytes such as Potassium 600mg with a total blend of 704mg. 

It's made with Coconut Water. If you don't know that much about Coconut Oil or Water. It is amazing!! That I can save for another post! 

Infused with Vitamins with 200% RDI of B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12. Also a 100% RDI of Vitamins A,C, and E. 

Body Armor is great for Athletes and the super active kid that need that extra hydration without all the artificial flavor and colors added. 

Overall, I really am happy I got to try BodyArmor Sports Drinks. They were better than expected, and most importantly I feel better. I had no idea how much I was lacking water. I know It made a big difference just getting that extra boost of potassium and vitamins. 

I would recommend this if you are into fitness, hiking, any sport, or any physical job that puts you at risk of getting dehydrated. It really is no joke. Take precautions and drink plenty of BodyArmor Sports Drinks to avoid the nasty side effects of dehydration! 

If you'd like to read more about the product? Please visit http://drinkbodyarmor.com to learn more about the ingredients and wonderful benefits it can offer you and your family!! 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

I have some BIG NEWS for you!!!

What?? what is the "BIG NEWS" you speak of??!! Well, I'll tell ya! 

Many of you know that I have a makeup business called Swine-Key Lashes and am an independent presenter for Younique. If you read my blog at all, I'm sure you have noticed all the new posts about makeup. I totally don't mean to cram you with all this information, I just can't contain myself sometimes. I have to share this amazing news, or this amazing new beauty tip I learned, or makeup product I love. I can't help it!! So, I do apologize I just get super excited. This business has really sparked a love for makeup in me that I never knew I had. 

So, okay....back to the "BIG NEWS"!! 
Well over the past few months we have really expanded our business to offer WORLDWIDE opportunities to other countries outside of the United States. I'm proud to say that we are in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Mexico, The United Kingdom, and now.....HONG KONG!! 

If you have ever wanted to own your own business, make extra money, have a stable income, or have more time for your family?? Now is the time to join!! This has been the best decision I have ever made. The friendships I have made are so amazing. These girls are all so uplifting, and empowering, and validating!! Making girlfriends have never been easy for me and now I feel like I have a group of women that I trust and call my dear friends. 

There are no fees. EVER!!! They give you a free website, no quota or products you need on hand. Every order is shipped from your personal website. 

You get paid every three hours after a sale. Which can really benefit you if you need to pay a bill that just popped up or a child care expense you didn't anticipate. 

Earn free makeup
Work from your phone

We have three Younique Presenter Kit Options:

Everyone is different! 

Maybe you just want to take advantage of the great offer for $225 dollars worth of makeup for only $99

Maybe you want to make a little extra money for bills, or a fun vacation. Whatever the extra money goes, it's more of just a fun hobby on the side. 


Maybe you are like me and really wanted to change your life! You are tired of your dead end career, not making any money or not able to save money. You want to be your own boss, make your own hours, and have a say in your life and what happens to you!! 

I was tired of working a lot of hours and missing valuable time with my kids! I didn't want to miss spending time with them. I wanted to help pay bills. To save money. Possibly take a vacation. 

I can do all of that with Younique!! I am my own boss. I can work when and where I want, for as long as I want. I decide!! No one makes my schedule for me. I can still manage my business on vacation. There's no cap on the amount of money I can make. I decide that too. If I work harder, I'll make more! 

The choice is really yours?? Are you going to stay at that job you hate, going nowhere?? Or are you going to step out of your comfort zone and try something that may really bless you and your families life??!!

When you are really ready to sign up and start an NEW chapter in your life. When you are ready to take life my the horns and say "I will decide how I work, and how much"!!

Follow this link at www.youniqueproducts.com/swinekeylashes

Click on Join Now 

You may need to FIND A SPONSOR, enter my name Jenny Devereaux so I can help you along the way!! 

We are all independent but we work as a team. I have Facebook groups ready to go with girls who are ready for you to join us!! 

Now ready yet?? 

Follow me on:
Instagram @jennerpig

Beauty Group:

Watch me and maybe you'll change your mind!! 

#youniquepresenter #makeup 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Arizona Pool Owners this article is for you! Or any other hard water states!

Do you suffer from hard water calcium buildup? Keep reading and I may have just the solution you are looking for! 

 Before Tile Clean

After Tile Clean

If you are a pool owner you know how hard our water is! You also know that it will leave a hard calcium stain where ever it sits for long periods of time. 

Why does it matter if my water is hard or not? 

  • Your electric bills are higher than they need to be
  • You have those annoying streaks all over your dishes after you wash them
  • Your water heater will die long before it reaches its intended lifespan.
So what is hard water and how does it cause all this trouble to Arizona homeowners? We discuss that in this article.

What is hard water? 

It’s water that is full of minerals—specifically, dissolved calcium and magnesium. It’s these minerals that cause the problems listed above.
How does water become hard?
Water rains “soft” (without minerals). But the rainwater makes it into the ground and into the waterways, picking up minerals like:
  • Lime
  • Chalk
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium

Arizona’s hard water

So how hard is Arizona’s water?
According to the U.S Geological Survey (USGS), a large portion of Arizona contains high concentrations of calcium carbonate (see map below), one of the key ingredients in hard water.
Map of concentration of water hardness in the United States
Red means high concentrations of calcium carbonate, a key mineral that makes water hard. A large portion of Arizona is red.

How hard water secretly makes your life harder.

OK, so the water in Arizona is hard. So what? It’s safe enough to drink. What’s the big deal?
The minerals in hard water cause more problems than you realize. Hard water minerals make your life harder because they:
  • Allow sediment to build up on your water heater’s heating element, causing your water heater to run longer than it needs to, deteriorating the water heater’s tank and increasing your energy bills
  • Dry out your skin and hair after you take a bath or shower
  • Damage your clothes over time, lowering their useable lifespan
  • Leave unsightly soap scum rings in your bathtub
  • Cause leftover annoying spots and streaks on your glassware and dishes after they are washed
  • Reduce water flow from your showerheads because of limescale buildup
The above information from an article at http://georgebrazilplumbingelectrical.com/blog/why-arizonas-hard-water-secretly-makes-your-life-harder-and-what-you-can-do

So how does that affect my pool? 

Good question!! Have you ever noticed the white thick line around your pool, water fountains, and near mister areas?? That is calcium and mineral build up. The good news is that is can easily be removed with a professional tile clean. 

Why does it have to be done by a Professional??

Well, if you are like any other homeowner out there, I'm sure you have tried to go the DIY way. What you soon realized is that this stuff is hard as stone and it would take a hammer and chisel or jackhammer to get this baked on calcium off. 

This is where a professional comes in quite nice! They have the tile cleaning rig all setup with the necessary equipment to remove the calcium and not damage the tile or surface underneath. 

There are a number of different products used to achieve this depending on the delicateness of your tile or surface being cleaned. Such as Walnut shells, sand, soda, and maxi strip. 

What is Tile Cleaning? 

How many of you remember shop class in high school?? If so, how many of you used a sand blasting machine? I did and made some of the coolest pieces from designs on cups and mirrors to more fancy projects such as wedding glasses. 

If you have ever used a sand blasting machine you know how it works. For those of you who don't, it basically is blowing sand or a type of media from a high compressor to bead blast off the surface and yet leave the under leave untouched. It is used a lot in professional painting to remove old rust and paint from surfaces before a full paint and body restoration came be done. 

This is a very messed and dangerous job that requires proper safety attire and equipment. As most pool repairs do. I can tell you many horror stories from the pool industry. Pretty scary stuff of homeowners trying to save a little extra money doing it themselves and then end up having a terrible accident. Those systems are under extreme amounts of pressure. A number of things can take place, not to mention the chemicals used which are very dangerous if ingested. 

So please always use caution and seek professional assistance when working around your pool and pool equipment. 

Left Side Cleaned Tile/Right Side Uncleaned

Before Tile Cleaning 




What about staining in the pool? 

We have a solution for that too! This is VERY dangerous and I highly recommend getting professional help on this one! 

I have been on a number of these jobs and helped. They are smelly and one wrong breath can really leave you in a world of hurt or worse laying in the bottom of the pool. 

What we use to remove the stain is called an Acid Wash or Chlorine Wash/Rinse. These are two different products and if mixed will combine to make a deadly poison. Do NOT perform this alone or without professional support. I suggest getting a company with good reviews to perform such a service. This is not for the novice pool owner or DIYer. 

How is the job done? 

The take muriatic acid and clean the pool walls and floor. If it requires more cleaning or had heavy algae in the pool and plumbing lines then a Chlorine wash/rinse is done as well. The results are truly amazing and I have included a few of our recent jobs below so you can see the side by side difference.

The pool has to be completely drained and emptied of all water before the Acid Wash, Tile Clean, or Chlorine Wash/Rinse can be performed. The chemicals have to make contact with the surface of the pool to remove the stains and chemical build up over the years. 


During Acid Wash

Left Side has staining/Right Side Clean

Left Side Chemical Stains/Right Clean

Draining green pool water

 Acid Wash



Normal manufacturers recommend that you drain and refill the pool water every 3 years. So this is a perfect time to contact a pool company and schedule a tile cleaning, acid wash, or chlorine rinse. 

If you live in the Phoenix, Cave Creek, Scottsdale, and Glendale area we can take care of any pool repairs, tile cleaning, acid washes, and pool cleaning needs. We have been in the Pool Industry for over 20 years and have the knowledge and experience to complete the jobs correctly and efficiently. 

You can contact us from our website here at www.phxpoolpros.com. There you can read more about our company, see more before and after photos, and view all the services and repairs we have to offer. 

Please us the contact form on the website or you can visit the Facebook page here at https://www.facebook.com/PhoenixPoolProsLLC, where you can leave a message and I will get back with you as soon as possible. 

If you'd like to see our reviews you can view those here at https://www.thumbtack.com/profile/services/:lXy7QafNvusoA/ from jobs Phoenix Pool Pros, LLC has performed recently, 

Once you see the great results and beautiful clean looking pool, you'll be so pleased you called. 

We look forward to serving you! 
Phoenix Pool Pros, LLC

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Younique Opportunity....

I'm Jenny creator of the website Swine-Key Lashes. What I do is coach women on how to sell cosmetics and skin care to their customers. This is a work from home position and there is a small investment that you'll have to make into your own company. I do not benefit from this investment and you aren't empty handed. Once you join you'll receive in the mail our Brand New, Hot Presenter Kit. Packed full of everything you'll need to get started in your new business adventure. 

You can then start working and making money right away. We will give you your own website for FREE, with no charges to you ever for the lifetime of your company. You'll receive an unthinkable amount of coaching from me, and other women in our company. These coaching sessions are priceless and always available to you day and night. 

The investment is for the presenter kit which is $99 and valued at over $225 in makeup and skin care samples. 

Job Requirements:
1. Ability to link your Facebook Account to your business website
Easily done from the website. 
2. Strong Work Ethic
3. Have a Smartphone for taking pictures and videos. 
4. Have to be coachable 
5. Look for women with a positive personality
6. Needs to have a team player and leader mentality

Benefits of joining my company:
Work From Anywhere in the world with an internet connection
Earn bonuses such as Vacation Packages, Car Cash, and Cash Rewards
Get paid three hours after you sell something. No other company offers you that! 
Use your NEW debit card as you would any other card! 
Personalized coaching sessions from me for life! 
A team of highly qualified women who have also made the pledge and are VERY successful. They share their stories and secrets so you can learn to be successful like they are! 
We have a foundation for Sexually Abuse children and Adolescence and are mission is to Uplift, Validate, and Empower Women. This is a great foundation that lets them have a fresh start at healing. All orders are able to donate to this wonderful organization. 

Plus a ton of new friends, we are all a huge happy family. Working together every month for the common goal. We love what we do. That we can quit of day jobs and are now able to stay home and spend quality time with our families. As well as being able to support ourselves. 

If this sounds like you? If you are ready for a change, a new start? I highly recommend you shoot me an email and we can talk. I'd love to answer questions or concerns you may have before starting your new career opportunity. 

Don't wait another day to be successful, you can have it today! Making money two minutes after you joining! Let me teach you how! 
Contact me at the email provided. Thank you! 

Younique Kudos for June and it's AMAZING!!

When ordering be sure to enter my name in the Presenter Box: Jenny Devereaux

If you have ever wanted to try Younique Makeup? Now is the best time EVER! We just got our new Kudos for the month of June and it's like three of our best products. They are all hot and we can hardly keep the Foundation in stock! Plus we are giving you a FREE Foundation brush, which alone is a $32 value. 

With the Flawless Four, you'll receive our can't keep in stock Touch Mineral Foundation, Our Concealer, and Glorious Primer. Along with the free brush. Together you save about $40 when purchasing them all together. 

If you don't want the deal?!! Please share with your friends, they may really benefit from the savings. 

All our ingredients are natural, skin benefiting, non-clogging,fragrance-free, and most are either Gluten Free, Vegan-Friendly, or both. We also never test on animals! They are high quality and if you ask me along with everyone else they'd say it is WELL worth the price! 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Why should I use videos for business?

Why should I use videos to generate business?


Q: Why are video important in selling?

A: Videos are important because they instantly create relationships with your customers. When your customers see your face and hear your voice they are getting to know you. You can take a lot out of a video.

Do you like this person? Would you buy from them? Are they knowledgeable about the product they are selling? I have found at least for me that likeability is the most important. Are they someone I like or better yet trust? If I can’t trust you, there is no way that I’ll ever buy from you. Same goes if I don’t like them, it’s hard for me to convince myself to take the plunge and buy.

So videos are very important. They instantly create a connection with your customers. They can see you, hear you, feel emotion as you talk about different aspects of your life and really connect with you on a deeper level. Which is the goal? We want to create relationships with people and build on that every new interaction with them. Whether that be postings comments, or liking their posts. You want to cultivate the relationship building a level of trust and friendship.

You'll want to create a lot of videos and share them on your personal wall and your groups. We also have the cool feature of going live both on Facebook and Youtube. Use that to your advantage. People really seem to respond well to live videos. I see them posted all the time and it never fails at least one person will get on and watch. The videos are also saved to your timeline or group wall for anyone who missed it and wanted to watch it later.

Live videos are great because it’s well.Live! If you make a mistake or look goofy that is okay and only makes you more endearing to your customers and friends. The customers can also ask you questions which you can answer right away, as opposed to you having to answer a ton of questions posted in the comments after the movie has been made. It is a nice advantage to able to show them different techniques, applications tips, product demos, and answer product questions as they come up.  Very helpful indeed!

YouTube is also a great place to share your videos. YouTube gets 11.3 X more traffic a day than Facebook. YouTubers stay on the site longer and it’s a great way to build a following.

Q: Do I need Fancy Equipment?

A: No!
That isn’t to say that having a great camera is a bad thing, it’s most of us don’t have the money to completely renovate our home to make a cool office like a studio. With colored backdrops and state of the art video editing. Most of us use our smartphones. Which is what I use most of the time. I have a webcam on my laptop but to be honest I have never used one before and can’t figure out how to get it off the horizontal position. Kinda drives me nuts because I pride myself on knowing my way around a computer and get along very well with technical things. I’m always referring to myself as a “Geek to Sheik”!

Q: I can’t make videos, don’t you have to be an expert or something?

A: No, again!

You don’t have to be some crazy video genius, with superhero editing powers. Especially when you are live. That is just you honey! They can take it or leave it but there is no going back and taking things out, adding fancy filters, wording, or music. It’s just you, go with the flow!

People want to see you, not fancy graphics. Don’t get me wrong they are fun and can make a video certainly feel more high tech and fun but it is not what they are connecting with. Customers are connecting with you and your personality.

So what do you do then? You share your story. What made you take the leap of faith and join? That can go for any business opportunity, what is it that made you go..”Yeah! I want that!”
Was it financial freedom? Did you always want your own business? What is your why? Share that in a video.

Another thing I want you to do is to Create Value in yourself and the product you are selling. Videos add value to you, which is your brand or your company. As well as the product or service you are selling. Create value by talking about the service or products your are providing. What makes it great? Does it stand out from the rest? How so?

Market Something that helps people.

If you have a skincare line? How does that help me? What can your service or business offer me that others can’t? Give them a reason to buy from you and make it a good one. One that you not only have passion about but can also share how you feel strongly enough that it comes across in your videos and posts. Be true to yourself!

Q: Do I need an email list to start?

A: No.

Everyone thinks this and they are wrong. You don’t need a mass email list to reach people and get the kind of interaction from your posts that you are looking for. Email lists are nice and it a great way to share the news with the masses. However, if you come off spammy, they have the power to unsubscribe. Which you have to make available in your emails to them. Not terrible to setup  but it just another step in the process, not to mentions collecting all the emails first.

Some may disagree and say I’m crazy and you can’t get anywhere without a big list of clients to market to. The truth of the matters is unless you are rich and can invest in some big time advertising. You aren’t going to start off with a huge following. You have to build that and that takes time. If you already have a good size following on any of your accounts, you are halfway there. Build on that. Create a poll or survey that asks for their email address, BOOM! Now you have it but don’t start spamming it right away. Ask permission before sending anyone anything!!

Video Secrets:
  1. Speak to one person or client
  2. What do you make videos about? Make a list of Top 10 Problems , Desires and or benefits does your company, product, or service offer. This will give you a list of videos you can make that contain real value people will respond to.

Okay, now a moment of truth!

What is holding you back from growing your business?
What are some of the voices that run through your head?

Is it that you are too ugly?
Not smart enough?
You don’t want to feel judged or receive negative comments?
Am I too old?
I don’t know enough to speak intelligently on the item or service?

Hog Wash I say!!
I don’t believe that or agree with that. I believe we all have a God-given gift to offer to the world. Don’t let negativity stop you from reaching out to people. What if what you are looking for is on the other side?

Let Resistance be your guide!

So, when you notice that you are fighting a certain fear or facing some type of resistance….let that be your guide to push through your fear.

Whatever you are resisting the money is on the other side! What do I mean by that? If you are afraid to make and post videos? If that is Public Speaking? The money is on the other side and all you have to do is push through your fears. You will be surprised how rewarded you will be as well as the response you receive.

What can you take away from this to make your business better and build better connections?

  1. Always have a plan when making a video. Either some notes you wrote down on topics you want to discuss. What kind of video do you want to make? What is the end goal?
  2. The connection is everything! Building a relationship is key to any successful business. I have learned this from my Dad time and time again. I would always ask him “Dad, why do you spend so much time talking to your customers?” and his response to me was always the same “Relationships are key to any great business, that is one of the reasons I have been so successful. It is because I take the time to build the relationship first!” I never understood that until becoming a business owner myself.
  3. Share before and after pictures! People respond to you, not product photos. They want to see what they do in real life on real people.
  4. Use Fear, Felt and Found in making your posts or videos. What is a fear of yours? How did you feel about it? What have you found? This creates an instant emotional response. People can relate to you if they see you as a human who has fears and feelings.
  5. Create Credibility. Why should they buy from you? Tell them! Hi, I’m YOUR NAME the creator of BLANK WEBSITE and I have some amazing things to share with you today! This gives you instant credibility as a strong business person.
  6. Make actionable content with a Call To Action! Go to my website, Visit my page or group, Sign up, Subscribe to, or Offer a free PDF or a free Video.
  7. Convert New Clients with Customer Testimonials. Video Sales pages and or email sign ups. Landing pages can be very helpful in this as they give you an opportunity to make your offer to the client and they can opt in or not. If they do?  You are on your way to building an email list.

So what is your resistance or secret shame?

I want you to really think about that. What is it that has kept you from taking the leap of faith and starting something new? Okay..do you have it? Hold that thought!

For me, it has always been being accepted. I have never had great self-esteem which had made it really had to reach out and feel safe. I always tend to be very, very shy and at times it can be debilitating. Today it is even hard for me to speak on the phone. It is a daily struggle. While recently I started a new business venture and am having to face my own fears and loud negative voices. Will they like me? Am I pretty enough to talk about this with you? Do I sound or look ridiculous? The list goes on and on!

Today I want you to “Make Your Set Back, Your Biggest Come-Back!”

Think about this for a moment. How much money are you leaving on the table? Is that $500 more a month? $1000 more? $5000? $10,000? Only you can answer that. What if by you stepping out in your fear you could generate that much more income for yourself? You;ll never know if you don’t try!! You may be really surprised at the response you get when you open yourself up to people with a genuine care and connection.

For me, I have learned to really challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone. My business is so much about making videos showcase products and explain different tips and tricks. It’s like a requirement. At first, I was like yeah sure no problem. Until it came time for me to make one. I was super excited to make my very first video which was on the Presenter Kit I had just got in the mail. The video I made was long, boring, the color crazy because I chose to use a multi-color option. So the colors changed like the rainbow...LOL! It was real, really bad to say the least. I like it has only had 4 views to this day! Big fail!!

Now I could have stopped and said I can’t do this. This is not for me and just quit. I didn’t want to go out like that. I didn't want to disappoint my Leaders.  I did blast off an email and say hey this is not for me but recanted three days later. I got mad. I thought this is too hard! How can I do this? And there are those voices again! They are never too far off are they? So, I do what I normally do and I prayed about it. I just asked for help and guidance. I asked for strength to get through my fears and I asked for forgiveness for getting so angry.

I pushed through! Today I am still in my business which is still very new and exciting. There are still a ton of things I fear and work on. Mostly building relationships and opening up has been the hardest part. I have lived my whole life kind of walled off and that has always been my safe place. You can’t hurt me from a distant. At least that has been the motto. What I’ve noticed is I’m the one left alone and feeling lonely. I don’t always get a great response from people which is another reason I don’t like to reach out. Women especially! I try so hard to be nice and I truly care about what is happening in their lives. I just feel like there is a big wall I can’t break through. It is something I must overcome to be successful in this business unless I want to start selling makeup to monkeys! LOL

So, go out...be free and conquer your business! Take all these tips and challenge yourself! I want to hear back from you and hear that you have overcome blank fear and it has impacted by business by the blank. You can message me on Facebook, Instagram or by email. I’ll leave all my links below!

Take care and I hope this helps and blesses you and your business!
Jenny Devereaux