/> Pearls Before Swine: How Can You Earn Extra Money From Home?

Thursday, January 5, 2017

How Can You Earn Extra Money From Home?

*This post may contain affiliate links. 

Good Question right? How can you earn extra money, while being a stay at home parent? 

Nowadays work from home jobs are more common than you think. With all the direct marketing companies to choose from and the endless job at home opportunities. It can all be pretty overwhelming. Not to mention your Facebook and other social media friends all hitting you up to join their team or try out this great product they have to offer. All which promise the world but in the end, at least from experience never seem to pan out to what you thought it would be. 

Maybe it's more work than you expected. Or maybe the cost just got to high. Nevertheless, you find yourself searching for another opportunity to stay at home with your family and still make money to help pay for bills. 

I've tried them all. West At Home, Arise, and VIP Desk. You name it and I've probably worked there. Some of which I've had great success, others not so much. My point being made is this, DON'T GIVE UP! You'll find the right one, it is out there. Shoot, if not? Create one! Entrepreneurs are all the rage nowadays. Everyone seems to have their own business or product they are pushing. All of them had an idea, a company to make their own, or a product to sell. All had to work really hard for their success but you can too! 

So after trying numerous work from home job opportunities and a slight dabbles in owning my own company. I've come to this conclusion for myself.  I need to find a way to make money from home, while still being able to have a flexible schedule. Being a homeschool mom that is super important to me. I have only a certain amount of time during the day and night that I can commit to working. All my time otherwise is divided up amongst the family and household chores. 

When picking a work from home job now I like to make sure they are flexible with their time, as I am. I can't commit to a typical 9-5 job when trying to homeschool at the same time. Searching the internet I found tons of work from home jobs that you might like as well. Some have worked out great and some have not. I will share with you what sites I use, about how much you can expect to make and where you can go to apply or sign up. 

1. Clickworker

I've been active on Clickworker for a while now. It's a site where you can earn some money on the side by writing, translating and doing research. This is not a big money maker but over time it really can add up. Very flexible jobs that you can do fairly quick and receive your money right away. They do have a minimum payout before they allow you to cash out.  Check it out. Registration is free. 

2. Amazon Mechanical Turk

I really like to use this site. Another site a lot like Clickworker in that you perform little jobs or "HITS" as they call them for a few cents. They can all be done rather quick and once accepted your payment is sent to your account. If you can crank out these like a machine, it's a great way to earn extra money from home. Jobs vary by task such as Transcribing or doing basic typing. Believe me, over time, it does add up and can really help. I like to use it as "forget about money!" Money that I can make and it just sits there for when I need it. Works out very nice! Sign up using your Amazon account here! 

3. ClickBank

Clickbank I use every now and then to add fun elements to my blog posts. If you are into using affiliate links, this is a good site to use. They have so many different companies to apply for. Once again this is not a get rich quick scheme. All of the above jobs I mentioned do take time for the money to add up. Then again, if you know how to use affiliate links correctly it can be a nice way to earn extra money and without really doing a thing. You just place it and forget it! 

Sharing products that you love is fun anyways, right? Who doesn't love talking about companies that do it right or have a product that changed your life for the better? I definitely want to hear about those, wouldn't you? 

ClickBank does not offer referral rewards for affiliates sadly but they do for vendors. You can learn more about this company and sign up here.

4. S'more App

 S'mores is an app that pays you to unlock your phone. Basically, you let the app add ads to your lock screen. When you open your phone, you earn money. The payout isn't tremendous but adds up, right? So you earn $.10 cents a day or $3 doll hairs a month. Well, hold your horses now...I know, I know? That is an enormous amount! Okay, not really! But seriously, get paid to unlock your phone every day? That is pretty awesome! I don't care if it's a penny. I get money to unlock my phone every day! LOL! Get paid via Amazon gift cards. 

5. AvantLink

AvantLink is another affiliate company in which you find brands or products you have used before, and write a review. If a person clicks on your link or buys a product from them, you earn a small commission. Not bad right? The problem with affiliate links is your trustability. Make sure to never just add random links to your posts. Your readers must trust that you are giving them valuable information, not trying to make a quick buck off of them. 

6. Blogmutt

This one for me is really exciting. Not a major money maker either but for me, it solidified me as a professional writer. Which is not something I ever considered myself to be? Oh, sure! I have this blog and yes, I write in it but a professional writer? Crazy cool! So, now I can add that to the ole resume. 

Blogmutt is fun because for me I can get stuck in ruts. I find it incredibly hard to come up with cool and exciting posts. Being able to write for other bloggers anonymously has been a great way for me to not only find new things to talk about but I have learned so much through researching for the papers you have to write for them. 

You earn money depending on the amount of words required for you to type. So for example for a post with 250+  words, the payout would be $8, $19 for 600+ words, and $72 for 1200+ words. They pay you by PayPal. So make sure when you are signing up that use your PayPal account email. You must qualify to be able to write for them but the test wasn't too terrible. Whoop, Whoop! I made it in, haven't had a post excepted yet. The clients can be rather picky but I know I'll get one soon. 

7. ShareASale

This is another affiliate linking company is which you get money for sharing links to your readers from various companies and products you love. I mainly love it because it introduced me to the Candy Club! Not only do they have all the old fashioned candy you can't find anymore but their prices are really unbeatable. Plus, the candy container is really cute. If you have never heard of them? Swing on over and check them out! I'm sure you'll find something sweet to eat, Valentine's Day is just around the corner, you know?! 

8. Alaska Bunch Company
If you like to make extra money taking surveys? Then this app is for you. 
Visit http://dashboard.alaskabunch.com/download/X589BX from your mobile phone to download the app and start earning money now! 

Those are just a few that I use and I know I have left a few out. As I find more, the list will be updated. I hope I have given you some options for finding great work at home opportunities that fit your experience and job levels. If you use something else please let me know in the comments, I am always looking for new work from home job opportunities. 

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